quinta-feira, 27 de junho de 2013

Neck art

Hi Smellers!
I´ve been away for such a long time, that i missed doing posts! In this time i´ve found an amazing blog from to sisters (called ME AND LEX) that wear art in their necks! They overlap a lot of necklaces, all in different sizes and the final result is simple AMAZING! They´ve got a stunning style, very cool and young and then all that art is the final touch on their looks!
Hope you like these two masters of jewelery!

Source: http://meandlex.blogspot.pt

segunda-feira, 3 de junho de 2013

Give me a pencil

Another of the must-haves of this season is the pencil skirt!
These kind of skirts are sexy,and with the right touch you will rock it.
 High heels, sandals, pumps or even flat sandals combined with a top and leather jacket, or a sweat shirt and you are ready to GO! You can find a lot pencil skirts in Zara, Asos or why not do one? In that way you have a skirt that no one has it! Itá unique, it´s yours!!!
And never forget to complet the look with a nice statement necklace!